Discover How To


Your Physical & Emotional Body


...Experience freedom in eating

...Prioritize how you take care of yourself

...Transform how you show up both in your body and in your life


You’re a sophisticated woman that knows what you “should be doing” when it comes to eating and having a healthy lifestyle. You may be frustrated with your weight or health because you feel like you’re doing all the right things from taking supplements, exercising to dieting…yet, you’re not getting the results you seek.

Perhaps, this may make you feel that it must be your lack of willpower or something is missing, wrong or just not working.

Feeling extraordinary in your body + life is possible. 

The shift happens, when you’re ready to go within for the answers.

At the surface, it may seem simple however, when it comes to REAL nourishment it’s so easy to fall into the trap of listening to the experts over your own beautiful, innate wisdom.

Unfortunately, so many women have lost the connection to their own intuition when it comes to eating and living a healthy lifestyle.



  • An overwhelming amount of conflicting info that can leave you searching for external answers and not trusting your instincts
  • A constant struggle with what to eat
  • An unending emphasis on dieting or cleansing
  • Being on a quest for a supplement, plan or program that will 'work' or provide the solution you're 'looking' to fix, change or heal
  • ā€‹Being extremely busy and often too tired to make healthy meals
  • Eating out a lot and when you do eat at home, getting stuck in a rut of eating the same 10 things over and over again
  • Wrestling with your self-sabotaging thoughts or belief systems that hold you back  
  • Feel blocked or 'stuck' physically or emotionally 
  • Challenged with holding onto pain, inflammation or another chronic issue that seem to never go away or hardly improve

Yet...You Feel A Shift Within!




  • An overwhelming amount of conflicting info that can leave you searching for external answers and not trusting your instincts
  • A constant struggle with what to eat
  • An unending emphasis on dieting or cleansing
  • Being on a quest for a supplement, plan or program that will 'work' or provide the solution you're 'looking' to fix, change or heal
  • ā€‹Being extremely busy and often too tired to make healthy meals
  • Eating out a lot and when you do eat at home, getting stuck in a rut of eating the same 10 things over and over again
  • Wrestling with your self-sabotaging thoughts or belief systems that hold you back  
  • Feel blocked or 'stuck' physically or emotionally 
  • Challenged with holding onto pain, inflammation or another chronic issue that seem to never go away or hardly improve

Yet...You Feel A Shift Within!


You've come to a place where you have little desire to continue living the same way when it comes to your body and eating.

You may not know what it exactly 'looks' like or even the how...however, you can FEEL it within.

Deep Inside...

There's an awareness that is stirring, shifting and waking you up to the possibility that there really is a softer, more loving + more aligned way to finally feel good in your body and life while receiving the outcomes you desire.

And, it is Possible!

  • Eating & taking care of yourself becomes effortless & enjoyable.

  • Weight management or loss is filled with more ease.

  • The stubborn cravings become redefined & upgraded to new options/choices that fuel the root of your cravings.

  • You immersed in a true love for your body & self that is profound, self-generating & always available.

  • You have an unwavering trust and keep the commitments you make to yourself

  • You enjoy the beauty of slowing down and crave quiet time with yourself + nature

Feeling good inside your body happens when you create harmony between your physical and emotional body.


When you reconnect and trust your own innate wisdom above anything or anyone else, everything changes.

Once tapped into, not only will your relationship with food, your body, heath and weight shift, your entire being re-aligns with your true desires, hungers, and cravings that are way deeper than food alone.

And, you don’t have to do it alone.

Feeling good inside your body happens when you create harmony between your physical and emotional body.

When you reconnect and trust your own innate wisdom above anything or anyone else, everything changes.

Once tapped into, not only will your relationship with food, your body, heath and weight shift, your entire being re-aligns with your true desires, hungers, and cravings that are way deeper than food alone.

And, you don’t have to do it alone.


A 4 Month 1-1 Transformational Journey to decode your cravings & unlock what your really hungry for.

Together, we'll create a foundational guidance system for your decision-making so that you can finally feel at PEACE in your body by connecting you to your intuition, inner power and wisdom within,

We'll Deep Dive Into:

  • Identifying and shedding the limited beliefs that have kept you struggling in survival and some unattainable level of perfection 

  •  Dissolving the need to chase outside of you and abolishing the false ‘untruths’ & expectations of self so that you can go within for all your desires + needs 

  •  Exploring 'how you eat is how you do everything in life' and learning to embrace your core desired feelings so that your relationship with food & your body transform into a pleasurable & enjoyable experience


Book Your Complimentary 45 Minute Session to Explore Working Together.

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Throughout our time together, we'll focus on my 5 CORE principles to FEEL GOOD. We'll individualize each one for you, developing a unique plan for how they can apply to AND be integrated in your life.

  • FUELING: Fueling your physical & emotional body happens when you learn the secret language of your body, so you can decipher what your truly hungry for
  • FLEXIBILITY: Flexibility happens when your choices are made from a place of discernment & empowerment. Harnessing the power of all of you- to live the way you want to feel
  • FULFILLMENT: Fulfillment is created from the inside out.  You learn how to feed your cravings in a way that’s nourishing vs. numbing
  • FUN: Fun comes from a place of curiosity. Discovering new ways to activate your senses transforms the ordinary to the extraordinary
  • FREEDOM: Freedom is felt when you can trust yourself more than anyone else.
I'll Be Your Guide On This Journey...

Hello, I'm Christy Whitney!

It takes a brave woman to stand up for herself and go against the grain. To feel real nourishment you need to be willing to go within. Oftentimes, this means you need to turn off all the noise & chaos and be comfortable in the silence to hear the whispers of your soul. 

If you're not used to slowing down and stillness it can feel a little unnerving at first. Trust me, it’s worth the discomfort! 

I see too many women suffering from the Superwoman Complex...where you’re taking care of everyone but yourself. 

I’m here to inspire you to break free from this trap.

This is the foundational principle of all the coaching that I provide. I want you to create a strong foundation that nourishes your physical and emotional body so you can feel freedom in eating, prioritize how you take care of yourself and transform how you show up in the world.


Christy introduced me to "eat according to how you want to feel". What a concept! No more calorie counting, no more portion control, no more worrying about the number on the scale.

"Over the course of the program, I started to have a different relationship with my body. Then, I noticed how the sugar cravings had subsided and the portions I ate had become considerably smaller. I simply didn't need to eat as much anymore. 

In our coaching sessions, Christy brought different perspectives to the conversation that helped me gain insights into how I "do" food. She kept saying "the way we do food, we do life". She challenged me to a mindful eating practice - to eat without distractions.

As I was training myself to do so, I found that my body responded better to the food I was eating. Eating became a sacred activity which created a different relationship with my food and body that shifted my appreciation for both." 

Prior to working with Christy it was a challenge for me to change my negative state of thoughts. Christy helped me find tools to utilize that switched my thought process into something more meaningful and useful in my day to day life.

"She has an approach that is adaptable, and she has evolved herself over the years. We are evolutionary beings, and being too strict in any one philosophy leaves us closed off to possibilities that may resonate with ourselves.

Working together allowed me better use of tools that helped me to evaluate current modalities in my way of thinking, being, doing - to look deeper into my soul for the meaning I’m seeking in my life, for my core desired feelings. By introducing core desired feelings, I have a compass to follow daily. A North Star. The concept was not new, yet Christy helped me to drill down to what I really desire for my state of being.

I chose Christy because her essence resonated with me, and her thoughtful approach was more in line with what was needed in my life. If you’re looking to get in touch with your soul’s desires, I would recommend a meeting with Christy to see if you connect."

-charlene ramos



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How CRAVE Works...

Through our 4 months together, I will support and guide you to up-level your food/body beliefs, provide specific guidance for your personalized process and hold the space for you to stay on track, accountable and committed to the changes, shifts and goals you desire to create.

Our sessions will include a combination of:
  • Lifestyle coaching
  • Nutritional guidance and information tailored to your needs
  • Deep diving into your body & life connection
  • Aligning your desire for real nourishment
  • Cultivating your own foundational intuitive guidance system
  • Harmonizing your physical and emotional body

CRAVE Details & Pricing

  • 1: 120 Minute Deep Dive Coaching Session: to set the foundation for your personalized program
  • 1: 2-Hour Kitchen Kick-Start Immersion: I'll come to your space (or can be done virtually if you live outside of Portland). We'll convert your kitchen into a beautiful sanctuary and sacred space by letting go of the old & making room for the new that is organized & lights you up. (held within the first month of the program)
  • 8: 60 Minute Coaching Sessions that we'll plan through our time together
  • 1: 4-Hour Kitchen Magic Cooking Class:Ā a unique, personalized cooking class custom-tailored to your food/recipes preferences and culinary skill-sets you are desiring to learn. You'll learn how to make-over your favorite recipes into healthier (and, delicious) alternatives + gain valuable tips and tricks in the kitchen that will enhance your cooking & eating style. (held mid-way through the program at either the Windward or your home if live in Portland OR virtually)
  • 1: 90 Minute Coaching Session to culminate & celebrate your success
  • BONUS: If needed, I will be available for you in-between our sessions for email/txt support, guidance, Q & A etc. that may come up through our time together.
  • BONUS: Nutritional support, get 10% off my NOURISH or RELISH food programs. Discount will be available during the entire 4-months to up-level your daily nutrition experience.

CRAVE 4-Month Personalized Journey


Payment Plans Available

My Final Wrap-Up...

My coaching style isn’t for everyone. I don’t work in the realm of quick fixes and false promises. 

I’m speaking to the women that have tried many diets, systems & ways of living but still haven’t found the recipe that works for them. I work with a lot of rockstar professional women that are doing amazing things for the world, their communities & families but are secretly dying inside from body despair and eating challenges. 

My coaching programs are for the women that are ready to stop looking for the answers from our chaotic world and start opening themselves up to discovering the truth that has always lived inside them. 

The work I do is about returning to the basics. Rediscovering your innate wisdom so you can find the missing ingredients you need to feel real nourishment. And above all, my coaching programs are here to guide you to decipher the language of your body so you can know what you're really hungry for.


Book Your Complimentary 45 Minute Session to Explore Working Together.

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